Quick guide

Selecting the starting point for the appropriate Will for you.

Basic   Nuclear family of a spouse and children or just children. You wish to leave your estate to your spouse if they survive you; if not, to your children in equal shares.
Basic Plus   Same as for "Basic" option with alternatives for: disposal of body, substitute executor, extended powers for executor, specific gifts, alternate gift of residue, appointment of guardian.
Standard   The interview addresses all of your circumstances and the resulting Will is tailored to your requirements.
Standard Plus   As for "Standard" option and deals with the situation where you own a business or have interests in associated entities such as family companies or trusts.
Mutual Wills   The "Standard" or "Standard Plus" options with the Wills for husband and wife being mutual Wills with a contract between husband and wife to maintain the Wills in those terms.

From these starting points, with an analysis of your financial situation and a degree of Estate Planning, there are further options of:

Tax Effective


Where there are children, grandchildren etc under the age of 18 years and beneficiaries are likely to receive $200,000 or more, a "Tax Effective Will" may be appropriate and advice should be sought.
The Tax Effective Will requires consideration of your financial situation and can be added to the above options.
Will with full Testamentary Trust  

A Will with one or more full discretionary trusts can be added to all of the above options if your financial and/or family circumstances make it appropriate.