Where to start - Wills

This web site contains information about Wills and Estate Plans as well as how to go about making them.

You do not need to read the information on this web site and, if you wish, you can simply arrange an appointment with me and I will explain what is required. If you wish to save time and money, I suggest you follow the recommended procedure and read the contents of the web site that are relevant to you.

Read some basic background information on Wills and Estate Plans that you need to know.  When reading the Background Information it is helpful to be aware of the terminology used - glossary of terms.

Once familiar with the Background Information, you can investigate the type of Will that fits your circumstances.  Each Will covers unique circumstances, however, Wills can be discussed in terms of broad categories of Wills commonly used see - Wills Types.  The selection of the Will Type (see a quick guide to selecting a Will Type) is a starting point.  It may become apparent in discussions with me that something different may be required and it is always possible to make changes.

The procedures necessary to do your Will depends upon the type of Will you have chosen and a range of factors.  As well as the procedure for getting your Will done, there are checklists of information requirements and matters that you can consider before arranging an interview with me.

There is a cost for professional services.  You need to know what it will cost and how you will be charged - Costs

This web site provides information but not advice - see the disclaimer.