Why the need for a Will?

Everyone should have an effective Will and usually also an Estate Plan.  It is just a smart thing to do.  You should make sure that your spouse, parents and other family members do the same.

If a person dies not having made a Will, it is said that the person dies intestate.  In those circumstances the property of the person is distributed in accordance with specific rules provided for in the Administration Act 1903 (WA).  The rules cover various circumstances depending upon who survives the person.

If the rules applicable on intestacy are not satisfactory (click here for an example of the operation of the rules of intestacy), then you need to have a Will.  The intestacy provisions rarely provide a satisfactory result.  There are other reasons for having a Will as it allows you to appoint an executor, set out your wishes in relation to such matters as cremation or burial and other matters.  Having a Will makes administration of your estate easier; there can be other complications with intestacies.

The requirements for your Will will be different during the different stages of your life.  What you require in your 30s and 40s with perhaps a young family, will differ to what it required in your 60s and later years.  Read about Wills and Estate Planning through different phases of life.

For a guide to the material on the website and where to start, go to - Where to start?