
Estimations not quotes

Legal work is of a nature that "quoting" on fees is difficult.  The reason that quoting is difficult is that clients find it very difficult to provide an adequate description of the scope of works upon which the "quote" can be calculated.

As a result estimations of costs are only that - an estimation.

Costs are worked out on hourly rate.  Estimates are given on the basis of an hourly rate for what is estimated to be involved in carrying out the work.  So you need to keep in mind the time will be required to discuss matters with you in conference and then time will be involved in preparing advice and documents that you may require.

Fees can be negotiated depending upon what is required.

Legal Costs Committee - solicitor costs 2015

Solicitor costs in WA are also regulated pursuant to the Legal Profession Act 2008.  The Legal Costs Committee determines costs that solicitors charge and it is a function that it discharges pursuant to the Legal Profession Act 2008.  It publishes a report every two years.

The most recent Legal Costs Committee report can be found by going to its website under the heading of "Solicitors Costs".

The maximum hourly rates specified in item 7 of Table A of the 2015 Determination for work not covered by the earlier items, and for travel are -

  • practitioner (admitted five years or more)           $484 per hour;
  • practitioner (admitted less than five years)          $341 per hour; and
  • Clerk/paralegal                                                 $231 per hour

Further details

The Determination applies to the maximum amount that can be charged for work carried out that is (refer to clause 5) -

  • not being of a contentious nature and governed by any other determination of the Committee;
  • remuneration based on a written agreement as to costs;
  • costs incurred before the commencement of the determination.

Unless there is a written agreement as to costs, costs cannot exceed an amount calculate on the basis of the maximum hourly rates.  Where there are complex matters or matters involving a high degree of skill or urgency, then costs a high rate can be charged as are reasonable in the circumstances.

There are things that you can do to keep the costs of the preparation of your Will to a minimum - read about the things you can do to reduce costs and about the factors affecting costs.

Read general information and cost agreements concerning costs.