I help clients PLAN their
The law provides a framework for people to own, access, control
and transfer property. The framework can be
complicated. Within the framework is a huge degree of freedom
for people to make decisions about the ownership and control of
property. Every person has their own unique set of
You need to have a PLAN that deals precisely
with your requirements and situation. However, there are some
things that affect everyone and the PLAN should
address -
- the adequacy of your present ownership arrangements of
- future acquisitions and disposals of property;
- how the possibility of temporary or permanent incapacity of
family members can be managed;
- how succession of property will operate;
- how the possibility of ill health and incapacity of relatives
will be managed;
- the implications of family members acting as attorneys,
guardians, administrators, executors etc in relation to the estates
of relatives.
For those who don't exercise the freedom given to them wisely
and instead rely upon whatever default results may be involved,
should not be surprised if the results are problematic. I
also accept instructions in relation to dealing with such
Kind regards,